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Friday, 14 October 2011

Project title

After thinking over what subjects areas I would find interesting to base this project on I decided to look at political parties in the UK.
My first idea of the question being: "Have the major political parties in the UK moved towards the centre of the political spectrum?"
However, on reflection I saw that this could be quite broad on a time scale. Due to reading I'd previously done in order to decide on what topic to do ( I decided to change my title to "Have the major political parties in the UK moved towards the centre of the political spectrum since Thatcherism?" This seems to be a contested viewpoint making my research a lot easier to conduct and my essay more focused.


Felix said...

Excellent, Heather!

One suggestion: instead of the word "Thatcherism", use a date. Thatcherism is an emotionally loaded term to many, and a date would more precisely define the period you are discussing. (Remember that Thatcherism still exists; Liam Fox, who lost his cabinet job today, is a member of the "Thatcherite wing" of the parliamentary Conservative party.)

Examples of dates you might choose (there are, of course, many other possibilities) include:

1979 (election of Margaret Thatcher as prime minister and, therefore, the beginning of the Thatcherite period).

1982 (Falklands war) or 1984 (Miner's strike) - both of them critical points in both support for and opposition to the Thatcherite project.

1990 (Poll tax Riots; also the deposition of Margaret Thatcher as leader of the Conservative party and, therefore, the end of the Thatcherite period).

Heather said...

After completing my research I've decided I shall adjust my title from "Have the major political parties in the UK moved towards the centre of the political spectrum since Thatcherism? to: "Did the major political parties in the UK move towards the centre of the political spectrum in 1997?"
This is due to the fact my former question means to complete it fully I would have to look at where the parties currently are on the political spectrum.
I have concerntrated on the years that Thatcher was in power 1979- 1990 and the 1997 election to be able to see how the parties moved when she came out of power. Therefore, this new title reflects that more so.

Heather said...

After completing my research I've decided I shall adjust my title from "Have the major political parties in the UK moved towards the centre of the political spectrum since Thatcherism? to: "Did the major political parties in the UK move towards the centre of the political spectrum in 1997?"
This is due to the fact my former question means to complete it fully I would have to look at where the parties currently are on the political spectrum.
I have concerntrated on the years that Thatcher was in power 1979- 1990 and the 1997 election to be able to see how the parties moved when she came out of power. Therefore, this new title reflects that more so.

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